Top time management tips

Introduction : Top 12+ Time Management tips for Freelancers

Hello readers! Welcome back to another post by Sendwin. Are you a freelancer and you wanna boost your productivity? I’m quite sure this post will help you out with the Top 12+ Time Management tips for Freelancers. These are the Top Working Tips for Better Time Management in 2022.

The top productive tips?

Being Productive should be the top most priority for you and I know with these 15 Best productivity tips you’ll definitely be super productive So in this video, we’ve talked about 15 top tips to boost your productivity and perhaps, help you with better time management.

Overview: Top Working Tips for Better Time Management in 2022

The 15 top tips discussed in the video are given below:

1. Track Your Time

2. Take Breaks

3. Give Yourself Set Working Hours

4. Use a Strong Project Management System

5. Prioritize Your Tasks

6. Consider Hiring Others to Help You

7. Get Rid of Distractions

8. Eat Meals for 30 to 60 Minutes As You Would in an office

9. Try Time-Blocking

10. Find Your Most Productive Hours and Use Them to Your Advantage

11. Make Templates for Communications With Clients

12. Don’t Overbook Yourself (the most important when it comes to time management)

13. Take a Day Off if You Need

14. Give Yourself an Admin Day

15. Change Where You Work

Let’s now learn a little about SendWin:

Introduction to SendWin

SendWin is a multi-login platform to manage multiple accounts from one browser. Use multiple accounts on your favorite website. Log into multiple accounts on the same site simultaneously. No more need for secondary browsers, private sessions, let Sendwin handle these for you.

SendWin aims to increase your productivity by decreasing the amount of time and effort that you put in things like switching browser profiles, connecting to a VPN Network, using other tools for maintaining your passwords, and a long list goes on.

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Let’s learn more broadly

1. Track Your Time:

Time tracking for freelancers is often something that is overlooked, especially creatives. It can be easy to get sucked into working on a single project all day until it’s done, even if that means staying up until you see the sunrise the very next day.

Consider investing in a CRM time tracking tool like one of the ones mentioned above, or even use the stopwatch on your phone if you want to get on top of time management for freelancers.

2. Take Breaks

If you were working in an office, you’d be taking advantage of your breaks so that you could stop and chat with your coworkers for 15 minutes. So, don’t forget to take breaks while being a freelancer either! This is one of the most overlooked time management tips for freelancers.

Some of the best ways to spend breaks are on a walk around your neighbourhood, calling a friend, or even taking a quick power nap. If you really want to remind yourself to take breaks, consider using the Pomodoro Method, in which you work for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break, then start over!

3. Give Yourself Set Working Hours:

New and experienced freelancers alike struggle with this tip, which is surprising. It can be tempting to answer an email or a message from one of your clients on the weekend, even if that’s not when you want to work.

So, give yourself set working hours, whether that’s 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. like an average office worker or even just 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. if that’s when you work best. You’re a freelancer, so you’re in charge of yourself.

4. Use a Strong Project Management System:

Applications like ClickUp or Asana can be vital when it comes to staying on top of your projects. They are essentially digital versions of a planner, where you can set subtasks, due dates, and compile all of your notes in one place.

If you have other people that work with you, this is also a great way for you to delegate tasks and store your own brand assets. These project management systems help you manage your time well because you can easily see if you have a busy week coming up, so maybe you can start working on those tasks a bit earlier.

5. Prioritize Your Tasks:

If you have a huge task that’s due in two days, then obviously that’s the one you should be spending your time on rather than the one that’s due in a week. Be sure to prioritize based on the due date and the amount of time that you think the task will take so that you don’t fall behind on your deadlines.

6. Consider Hiring Others to Help You:

If you find that you are having trouble keeping up with all of your deadlines, it might be time to hire a few freelancers of your own to help you out. Some places to search for remote workers that would be great for you to share your openings include sites like FlexJobs and Upwork.

When you hire someone else to help you meet due dates and better manage your time, you might have to raise your own personal rates so that you can pay an appropriate amount to the workers under you. You’ll also have to consider the time that you will now have to spend delegating tasks and onboarding new workers.

7. Get Rid of Distractions:

Distractions are one of the worst parts of being a remote worker. Whether you’re on a beach and you’d rather go swimming with your friends, or you’re at home, and you’d rather be watching your new TV episode, distractions can be truly tempting.

Getting rid of distractions is one of the most important pieces of work from home time management. Consider using noise-blocking headphones, shutting your door, or working in a different area of your house to be more productive during your work hours.

8. Eat Meals for 30 to 60 Minutes As You Would in an office:

When working as a freelancer, don’t forget to take a snack or lunch break. Try to refrain from eating from your desk to get tasks done on time or else you might mess up your work/life balance without realizing it.

Consider setting up a lunch call with one of your close friends each day to hold yourselves accountable for taking a distraction-free lunch break. This also helps bring back the social life that is often missing from freelance life!

9. Try Time-Blocking:

Time-blocking is a great way to try managing your time as a freelancer. Each morning, sit at your desk and open up an app like Google Calendar and block out increments of time for the different tasks that you have to complete each day.

Try to stick to the times that you assign yourself to see how much you can truly get through in each of those time blocks. This is the perfect way to see how much time a project really takes, and also helps to keep the ball rolling on all of the tasks that you have due.

10. Find Your Most Productive Hours and Use Them to Your Advantage:

A lot of people find that they are most productive right in the morning, or even late at night, so find out when you’re in your groove and use that to your advantage. Be sure to do all of your hardest or most time-consuming tasks during that time — rather than emails or client meetings.

11. Make Templates for Communications With Clients:

With third-party platforms like CRM tool (customer relationship management) like Honeybook or Dubsado, you can set up automatic responses each step of the way as they move through your services so that you don’t have to spend as much time on your emails every day.

If you don’t want to invest in a CRM, consider keeping a Word document or Google Doc with templated responses that you can edit and send off to clients to save yourself at least a little bit of time.

12. Don’t Overbook Yourself (the most important when it comes to time management):

I think every freelancer goes through this at least once. You think you can handle way more clients than you initially thought, which can be hard to keep up with. You’ll lose sleep, your social life, and might even start to hate being a freelancer in general.  Sometimes, you’ll have to say “no” to potential clients, but that’s okay!

If you find that you actually need more work and are wondering where to search for remote jobs

13. Take a Day Off if You Need:

Freelancers often forget to take a day off, and sometimes personal health days can be all that you need to suddenly love your work more and be more productive each day. Even if it means giving yourself a long weekend, do it!

When you take a day off, be sure to communicate in advance to your clients. Let them know you won’t be available to talk with them that day in case something comes up.

14. Give Yourself an Admin Day:

Many freelancers will give themselves Monday to get through all of the logistics of their business for the week, whether that means planning out everything. Scheduling social media for their own business, sending contracts or invoices, or just catching up on emails.

One thing to keep in mind for admin days is that you shouldn’t be scheduling client meetings or calls on this day; instead, use the whole day to focus on your business.

15. Change Where You Work:

Sometimes being more productive can be as simple as changing up your workplace setting. Consider getting a membership to a local coworking space, heading to a cafe, or working at a friend’s house so that you can have a little bit of social interaction.

You can also check out this embedded video to get a better clarity.

That was it: Top tips for time mangement

So these are a few of the [related keyword] that we discussed today in this post. I hope that it has helped you to understand [keyword]

With that, I strongly recommend you to go check out SendWin. It’s completely free. You can go install the extension and start using it right from today. Also we have the premium plans. I definitely suggest you to check out the premium plans too.

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So with this I’d like to wind up the post here. Till then I’ll see you in another post, take care and ba bye!!


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